colored tape organization

Whether you're in the kitchen, at the office, tinkering in the garage, or managing inventory control, labeling and organizing makes everything easier.

Chromalabel's color coding tape is a must-have product for customized labeling. 

Tape that you can write on and is easy to cut a piece of with your hands is going to give you the freedom to write whatever you need on it. You will have enough space because you can use as much or as little tape as you need. 

It comes in different colors, so you can color code items, or just pick your favorite color and go with it. 


Around the House

The kitchen is an ever revolving door of commotion. It's the room that's always in use, and items are frequently moving in and out. Keeping a highly organized kitchen and having a system in place for storage will keep things looking great.


organized freezer


The fridge  

We all know the feeling of digging to the back of the fridge only to find 2 week old chicken leftovers that you planned on eating...and now it's, well, too gross to eat. 

Labeling the containers that go into the fridge can remind you of exactly what's in there. Rectangle labels work great for this purpose. They're brightly colored and easy to write on. 



Storage cabinets or closets with flour, sugar, oats and other baking necessities can be easily stored in a container and labelled. 


Organizing at the Office

Personal Workspace

Your personal workspace is sacred. Clean, organized areas promote productivity and are less distracting. 

This tape can be used on computer, keyboards, and other desk items. Not only does this keep things neat, but labeling your items prevents them from walking off with new owners. 


Community Areas

Labeling extra office supplies such as keyboards and mice, containers of office supplies, files and file cabinets 


Color Coding for Children 


Books, water bottles, boxes of pens and pencils. All of these can be labeled. Especially when you're trying to avoid kids mixing up their belongings.  


At Home

Help the kids keep their rooms clean by labeling bins of toys, clothes, and other items. 


Whatever it is that you need to sort, these labels are versatile enough to do the job!  

Color-code organization

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