Stickers and tapes are always fun. Whether a person is toddling about as a child or skipping about as an adult, hardly a moment passes when those sticky and tapey things are not a delight. And ChromaLabel sells such sticky merriment, whether it is their inch, quarter-inch, or half-inch dots, or sticker labels, or color-coding tapes.
Noah Sheets, a production manager with Logical Position®, can attest to this fact. When ChromaLabel mailed a box of color-code dots, labels, and tapes to his company’s doorstep, the mischievous child that hides in every good advertiser sneaked out, and soon ChromaLabel products were in every nook and cranny in the office.
“The labels quickly disappeared from the box,” Noah said, “and reappeared on everyone’s desk, birthday cards, computer screens, you name it—they were everywhere.”
And like the best of childish games, this mischief evolved into visions of good use. What educator does not know the value of old games to spark new creativity? And what advertiser is not, at some time or other, an educator? “It began to open up a few imaginative ideas in our heads about how something as simple as a label can not only serve a utility but bring joy to people as they work in the office,” Noah said. And even during the Covid-crisis, this sense of fun and games followed the advertisers homeward as they took their work to their make-shift offices at their kitchen tables and dens.
While the labels and dots brought mischief and fun and efficiencies, it was the ChromaLabel’s color-coded tapes that really stuck with Noah and his studio. These thin strips of colorful stickiness helped toss more order and organization over the studio. According to Noah, the color-coding tapes now “serves a vital role” in their production process.
“Our studio is used for both product video and photography,” Noah explained. “We have a nice assortment of gear that includes lights, cameras, stands, and small construction tools to assemble armatures and even staging sets. What we lack is space. So, to solve this issue, we created a cabinet system that organizes everything and tucks it away along the walls of the studio.”

Their equipment was arranged into storage bins and tucked into cabinets, and each bin was marked with the color-coding tape. That color coincided with a color key. A quick look at the color-coding tape and then the color key tells what equipment is in what bin. No longer does Noah or his associates have to dig through one bin or another, saying to himself, “Now where did I put that Canon CN-E 50mm T1.3 L F Cine Lens?” The tape and the key point the way, and the color shouts out, “Noah, look in here! In here!”
This is only possible because of the quality of the color and the stick of that strip of Chroma Color Coding tape. It may not be duct-tape strong, but it’s not meant to be. It is meant to be a choreless color-coding tape. The tape sticks, and then can be removed quite cleanly without any significant tugging or fussing. And what is more—no sticky residue that collects dirt or smudges. Who does not like a tape with a smooth and clean removal? Removing it becomes almost as agreeable as putting it on.
“We were always drawn to the quality of the ‘stick’ meaning that edges do not lift, free of ripples, and the ease of writing on the labels with sharpie or pen,” Noah said. “The colors are also vibrant and diverse. It would not be possible to order 25-50 bins with 3 colors of tape from the options at the store, so the color varieties actually opened up this possibility in the first place.”
But ChromaLabel color coding tapes do not merely mark bins. Noah and his associates also use the tapes to designate what light, what camera, what prop goes to what job or project. “This way each team can know what is what without having to put together a meeting to discuss logistics,” Noah said. “Most of the equipment comprises of stands and poles so a wrap-around tape is the best item to use in this scenario.”

After creating a few videos for ChromaLabel that demonstrated the efficiency of labels for name-tags, mailing labels, and a host of other possibilities, Noah and his team created one for the beloved color-coding tape. And with color-coding, the possibilities are nearly boundless. “Our core theme was that color coordination is something you carry through life, whether to label formula bottles at a daycare or to label test tubes in a laboratory,” Noah said. “The applications are endless, and it is about time we celebrated the unique, and innumerable ways that people choose to organize their lives.”
At the end of the day, even though the tape is fun to dapple with, color-coding tape is made firstly for efficiencies and secondly for its amusement. Color coding tape is here to make sorting and organizing more economical and easier. And, at the end of the day, it is meant to be used and then removed. ChromaLabel’s color-coding tape does that: its vivid and assorted colors, its adhesivity, its clean removal, and its other unnamed virtues give this tape its stick.
Update from April 2021
The possible uses for color coding tape go on and on. If you've found a unique use for our tape, or you have a project to tackle and you're wondering if our tape is the answer, give us a call and let us know! We'd love to help you out.